The Team

The director of the conference is Suzanne von Blumenthal. With the support of the restof the team she organizes the registration, the website, the budget and all financial items, the communication with the participants and the hotel. Suzanne is responsible for the containment of the trainer team and this year’s conference system as a whole regarding time, task and territory.

 Mary O’Donoghue is responsible for the group supervision and the containment of the team.

Christin Aannerud is responsible for the containment of the working group with the Master Practitioners and Trainers. She moderates her working group based on her attitude, knowledge, skills and experience from the perspective of learning Logosynthesis. She moderates in German or English.

Pamela Burkhalter is responsible for the containment of her working group. She moderates her working group based on her attitude, knowledge, skills and experience from the perspective of learning Logosynthesis. She moderates in German or English.

Tina Boncina is responsible for the containment of her working group. She moderates her working group based on her attitude, knowledge, skills and experience from the perspective of learning Logosynthesis. She moderates in Slovenian or English.

Shanda Woodin is responsible for the containment of her working group. She moderates her working group based on her attitude, knowledge, skills and experience from the perspective of learning Logosynthesis. She moderates in English.

Patrizia Luise is responsible for the containment of her working group. She moderates her working group based on her attitude, knowledge, skills and experience from the perspective of learning Logosynthesis. She moderates in German or English or Italian.

preparation summer conference 2024